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Clio Awards Entry Fees

Entry fees and charges are US Dollars only


Medium Sept 18th to Oct 27th Oct 28th to Dec 15th Dec 16th to Feb 2nd
  Deadline 1 Deadline 2 Deadline 3
  Single | Campaign Single | Campaign Single | Campaign
Audio** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Audio Craft** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Branded Entertainment & Content $1,025 $1,100 $1,150
Creative Business Transformation $525 $625 $750
Creative Commerce $525 $625 $750
Creative Effectiveness $675 $775 $900
Creative Use of Data $525 $625 $750
Design $525 $625 $750
Design Craft $525 $625 $750
Digital/Mobile** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Digital/Mobile & Social Media Craft** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Direct** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Experience/Activation $525 $625 $750
Fashion & Beauty $525 $625 $750
Film** $675 | $1025 $775 | $1175 $900 | $1350
Film Craft** $675 | $1025 $775 | $1175 $900 | $1350
Innovation $1,025 $1,175 $1,350
Integrated $1,025 $1,175 $1,350
Media $525 $625 $750
Out of Home** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Partnerships & Collaborations $1,025 $1,175 $1,350
Print** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Print & Out of Home Craft** $525 | $800 $625 | $950 $750 | $1125
Public Relations $525 $625 $750
Social Media $525 $625 $750
Student (All Mediums) $50 | $75 $50 | $75 $50 | $75

**Campaign eligible medium

Fees are non-refundable. Withdrawn entries (whether withdrawn by entrant or by the Clio Awards for entrant's failure to comply with the entry rules) will NOT be refunded.

All deadlines are 11:59pm EST.

