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Clio Health 2024:

Advertiser Categories & Mediums

Advertiser Categories:

Consumer Brand Health Initiative

Health Awareness & Advocacy

Health Institutions & Services

Lifestyle, Wellness & Over-the-Counter: Products & Devices | Services

Pharmaceutical: Direct-to-Consumer: Branded | Direct-to-Consumer: Unbranded | Direct-to-Professionals: Branded | Direct-to-Professionals: Unbranded | Corporate Communications | Veterinary



Student Mediums


Advertiser Categories:

Advertiser Categories represent sectors of the health industry. When submitting work, select the advertiser category that best aligns with the brand, service, or organization being advertised or marketed in your submission.


Consumer Brand Health Initiative: Consumer Brand Health Initiative entries are for creative marketing executions and campaigns for brands, products or services that are not directly related to the health industry, but that have integrated a health initiative into their marketing, advertising and/or brand communications. Work can include efforts and initiatives geared to improve physical, mental, environmental or general human/animal health.


Health Awareness & Advocacy: Health Awareness & Advocacy entries are for creative marketing executions and campaigns for nonprofits, foundations, or educational organizations focused on health awareness, education and/or advocacy. Entries may include partnerships between a health nonprofit, foundation or educational organization with another brand, organization or individual.

Note: Not all awareness and advocacy work will fit in this Advertiser Category. All submissions in this Advertiser Category must be work done for a nonprofit, foundation or educational organization. Awareness and advocacy work done for paying clients should be submitted into the Advertiser Category that best fits the paying client.


Health Institutions & Services: Health Institutions & Services entries are for creative marketing executions and campaigns for hospitals & health systems, clinics, insurance, non-regulated doctor office & telehealth services, medical resources, pharmacies, government organizations and educational institutions. Entries may also include health agency corporate communications and self-promotion work.


Lifestyle, Wellness & Over-the-Counter: Lifestyle, Wellness & Over-the-Counter entries are for creative marketing executions and campaigns for products, devices and services that promote a human or animal’s health and wellbeing, as well as health products and devices typically available in a pharmacy that do not require a physician’s prescription.

Products & Devicesentries include OTC products (medications, applications, first aid items), wearables, diagnostics, non prescription medication, nutraceuticals, and any other products or devices aimed at supporting mental health, physical fitness, nutritional health, sexual health or general human/animal health.

Services – entries include brands or organizations offering a service to promote, improve or support mental health, physical fitness, nutritional health, sexual health or general human/animal health.


Pharmaceutical: Pharmaceutical entries are for creative marketing executions and campaigns for brands, products and services related to prescription and/or regulated therapies, medicinal drugs or tools. Entries submitted have gone through at least one official regulatory review.

Direct-to-Consumer: Branded – entries for services and/or products marketed directly to consumers that include the specific product and/or service name.

Direct-to-Consumer: Unbranded – entries for services and/or products marketed directly to consumers that do not include the product and/or service name.

Direct-to-Professionals: Branded – entries for services and/or products marketed directly to Health Care Providers that include the specific product and/or service name.

Direct-to-Professionals: Unbranded – entries for services and/or products marketed directly to Health Care Providers that do not include the product and/or service name.

Corporate Communications– entries for corporate branding and/or communications, including corporate image campaigns.

Veterinary– entries for products and/or services for animal diagnosis, prescription or treatment.

